Fuggler Funny Ugly Monster Birth Certificate

Five rules of owning Fugglers: A different type of Fuggler review

Dafuq is dis? Toys & games

This is a post from Sam, co-founder of Dafuq Is Dis and SEN Mummy of 3 boys Alex (9, ASD & ADHD), Foley (6, PDA) and Harrison (3). She works with me looking at the weird and wonderful side of the internet as well as testing toys for older children. Of course, a Fuggler review sounded right up her alley.

What on earth are Fugglers?

If you're not familiar with Fugglers then, be prepared to fall in love with these funny, ugly, toothy monsters from Spin Master.

We agreed to let a Fuggler into our home but we weren't at all prepared for the trouble she (yes, it's a female Fuggler) was about to cause.

Here are my top tips for adopting/owning a Fuggler.

Fuggler review - what are fugglers?

1. Don't leave them in the box too long

The day Fuggler arrived we weren't even home, we'd headed out to a local beach totally unaware that a mystery parcel was waiting for us.

Unfortunately, our Fuggler didn't want to wait around for us to get home and so let herself out of the box.

Turns out, hide and seek is no fun if the humans are too scared to look for you so she soon made her presence known.


2. Don't let them fool you

When our Fuggler first met the pets we expected the worst, but the meetings were uneventful. Here she is having a quick selfie with our pup, Eddie.


That is until she met the cat. She seemed most impressed by him, and asked if we had any plans to mount his head on the wall like the dinosaur she'd found in the living room earlier…


…the answer was no, much to her displeasure.

fuggler review

3. Supervision is key

Fugglers are crafty and like to lull you into a false sense of security. Just when you think owning a Fuggler is easy, they go and do something to surprise you. We headed out to cave leaving our Fuggler alone at home (there's no way I'd trust that thing in a dark, confined space).

Anyway, we came back to find she'd raided my supplies and given herself a name AND a job! I don't even have a marketing department.


But, as long as she makes herself useful I guess. (P.S. If these are your glasses sorry, I have no idea where she got them from).


Not content with a name, and a job, the next time I took my eyes off of Karen she'd chopped up one of my t-shirts to make an outfit for herself.


And yes, that is my iced coffee she stole.

4. Feed it regularly.

Much like a toddler, a Fuggler needs snacks provided around the clock and if you don't feed your Fuggler you will undoubtedly find that it has snaffled your favourite food when you weren't looking.

Fuggler-review - Yellow Fuggler (karen from marketing)

My last three French Fancies, how could she?

5. Love it.

Despite their appearance and their mischievous spirit, there's nothing you'll really regret about welcoming a Fuggler into your life and into your family. The kids will love them…once they've got past their unique looks. I mean, you're no oil painting yourself, but I bet your kids love you.

You'll even get an adoption certificate just to prove you really are brave enough to take on the responsibility.


Oh, did I mention they all have a button on their butt too?

Fuggler - button on butt. Tooth Monster Doll. (Spinmaster Fugglers)

You can (and should) follow the ongoing adventures of Karen from Marketing (the Fuggler) on her Facebook and Instagram pages.

What are Fugglers? A UK Fuggler Spin Master Review

'Where can I buy a Fuggler?' you ask…

You can get your own Fuggler just like Karen from Marketing (or one of ten or so other beautiful Fugglers) from Smyths Toys (in store and online) and unofficially from Amazon. They come in small (£14.99) or large, 30 cm toys (£24.99) and are suitable from 3 years.

Find out more about Fugglers on Fuggler.com.

(Oh, and since you're wondering, no, Fugglers do not have real human teeth. You silly).

Sam received Karen from Marketing, the Yellow Fuggler, free for the purposes of this Fuggler review. The words and pictures are all hers!

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Source: https://www.whingewhingewine.co.uk/five-rules-of-fuggler-ownership.html

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