How to Draw on Another Plane in Wutocad

Drawing planes are used to add together geometry to the model. Instead of the freedom of adding the geometry in 3D space, the geometry is ever snapped into the plane. In addition to the obvious reward of being able to draw flat geometry, regions created with construction objects drawn in a plane can be meshed with the second mesher. See the folio Meshing Overview: Meshing Hand-built Models: 2D Mesh Generation for details.

When using a drawing plane, the FEA Editor surround is in sketch manner. Hence, the terminology sketch and drawing airplane will be used interchangeably.

Create a plane

Additional planes tin be created by using Draw Depict New Sketch Aeroplane, or by right-clicking on the Planes branch of the tree view and choosing New Plane.

You can select between the three planes parallel to the global axes (XY, YZ or XZ). Y'all can besides select the Advanced option or the 3 points choice to ascertain an off-axis plane. Activating the Use Offset bank check box will allow you to offset i of the global planes from the origin. A positive outset places the plane in the positive management. For instance to draw in the X=10 aeroplane, select the YZ option, activate the Use Offset check box and blazon ten in the adjacent field.

Enter, utilise, and exit Sketch Mode

To enter sketch mode to draw on a aeroplane, correct-click the desired drawing plane in the tree view and choose Sketch. When in sketch manner, a filigree will announced in the display area and the cartoon plane is shown in bold in the tree view. All sketching volition be done in this plane. The grid can exist turned off past right-clicking on the aeroplane in the tree view and clearing Visibility. The spacing of the grid can be customized on the Options Sketching tab.

Geometry is added to the sketch just similar whatsoever other geometry: utilise the commands on Describe and Design panel of the Depict tab. All properties such as role, surface, and layer number, and any object-specific input, are used in the sketch manner simply like it is in the 3D mode. (Encounter the page Calculation Geometry for details.) The only existent difference betwixt calculation these objects in 3D mode versus adding them in sketch mode is whether the entered points snap to the drawing airplane or not.

When drawing sketch entities, if the cursor is close to a grid point, a lock icon volition appear on the cursor. If you click, the detail y'all are cartoon will exist snapped to that grid point. Likewise, y'all can snap the new geometry to existing geometry. The points volition exist projected into the drawing plane.

When an item is added to a sketch, a branch is created under the appropriate function that lists the drawing aeroplane, and this branch includes an entry for each particular drawn in that sketch. Click the cartoon airplane entry under the part to highlight the corresponding items.

To exit sketch mode, right-click the cartoon plane and deactivate Sketch. Also, activating the sketch manner for another aeroplane volition conciliate the sketch mode for the current aeroplane.

Copy between sketches

Here are the ways to copy items or sketches to other sketches:

  • Modify Plane. All construction objects assigned to a sketch (the Plane entry in the tree view listed under the part) tin can exist moved or copied to a different aeroplane. Right-click the sketch entry and choose Change Plane. The Transfer to Unlike Aeroplane dialog will announced and listing the bachelor planes in the Target Plane drib-down. (If necessary, create the new target plane beforehand using Draw Depict New Sketch Airplane.) If the Copy to target airplane option is non activated, the selected sketch will be moved to the target aeroplane. When the two planes are parallel, the motion or re-create operation is straight forward. When the 2 planes are not parallel, and then the transformation may be harder to visualize (simply is even so straight forward). The 3D coordinates of each object are converted or projected to local (U,5) coordinates within the existing sketch. The objects are placed in the target plane with the aforementioned (U,V) coordinates, then converted to 3D coordinates. So, if a construction line is from (0, 3, 4) to (0, 6, eight) and sketched in the global YZ airplane, information technology would parameterize as a line from (iii,4) to (6,8) in (U,5) space. These same (U,V) coordinates in the global XY plane would transform to a line from (iii, iv, 0) to (vi, viii, 0) in 3D space. Note that the office, surface, and layer number of the construction objects are non changed, so the branch for the new sketch appears in the same function equally the original sketch.
  • Copy and Paste. Private construction objects in one sketch of a function tin exist copied (or cut) and pasted into the same sketch aeroplane in another part. Select the objects (either in the tree view or in the display expanse), right-click and choose Re-create or Cut. Then select the target sketch plane in the tree view, right-click, and choose Paste. As well, you can drag the entries from the sketch in one office to the aforementioned sketch plane in some other part and drib them into the sketch. Naturally, this operation requires that the target sketch exists in the target office. Other than irresolute the part number of the copied object, the surface and layer number remains the same.

Note: If a construction object in a sketch is selected and inverse with the Draw Pattern Motion or Re-create control, then the object is no longer associated with a sketch. Information technology becomes a 3D Object and is listed in a carve up branch under the office.

Convert from 3D objects to a sketch

There are situations in which a construction object is non in a drawing plane, and so the tree view lists the item as a 3D object. Some commands are not bachelor on 3D construction objects, such as second meshing. These 3D objects tin exist copied to a sketch equally follows:

  1. Select the 3D structure objects with the Choice Select Structure Objects command.
  2. Re-create or cut the objects to the clipboard. Correct-click and choose either Cut or Copy.
  3. Actuate the cartoon aeroplane into which the objects should get. (Right-click the appropriate plane nether the Planes branch of the tree view and cull Sketch.)
  4. Paste the 3D objects into the part. Right-click the part proper noun in the tree view and choose Paste. Note that the object must be pasted into a sketch on a different part than the original objects.

Notation that the original 3D construction object is non projected into the drawing airplane. Therefore, the object should prevarication in the aeroplane into which it is beingness pasted.

Calculate the backdrop of a sketched region

The cross sectional properties of a sketch can exist calculated. The guidelines for the sketch or sketches are every bit follows:

  • Depict the region to be calculated using construction objects.
  • Draw the objects while in sketch mode.
  • The objects can be in different parts but demand to be in the same drawing plane. The combination of all parts on all selected sketches will define the region or regions.
  • Any drawing plane tin can be used. The results will be in the local coordinates of the plane.
  • The sketch must enclose an expanse or multiple areas.
  • Holes within the expanse are permitted.
  • Regions can overlap, in which case the overlap region is calculated equally if it were a hole, merely split regions should not touch. See the following figure.

(a) Ii overlapping regions (above) are supported by the 2D Moment of Inertia estimator. The overlapping region between the square and the circumvolve is interpreted as a hole in the cross section. The calculations are based on shaded the regions (below).

(b) Ii regions that do not overlap (to a higher place) are not supported by the 2D Moment of Inertia calculator. When the command is executed, the trouble areas are identified with the inverted triangles (below) .

To calculate this area, remove the line in common betwixt the square and the semi-circle, creating a single, contiguous region. (Alternatively, duplicate lines could be used where the regions run across—one for the foursquare and one for the semi-circumvolve. For example, duplicate lines are required if the foursquare and semi-circle belong to separate parts, and the two regions will be meshed with the 2D mesh engine.)

In one case the sketches are made, either select the plane in the Planes branch of the tree view or select the aeroplane entries in the tree view under the office, then correct-click, and choose 2D Moment of Inertia. Selecting the Planes branch is equivalent to selecting each of the individual planes appearing under each part. The estimator will carve up the combined sketches into a series of horizontal rectangular strips and perform a numerical integration based on these strips. The results are given in the 2D Moment of Inertia Results dialog and consist of the following:

  • Expanse
  • Center of Gravity location, given in local coordinate system of the plane (u,v). The global coordinates of the center of gravity can exist determined by inquiring on the construction vertex that is added to the model.
  • Area moment of inertia about the horizontal and vertical axes of the aeroplane (u and v axes) passing through the center of gravity of the sketch. The orientation of these axes is given as a vector in global coordinates in the Local Orientation

A construction vertex is also added to the model at the location of the eye of gravity.

Tip: The accuracy of the calculation depends on the number of divisions used to split the sketch into rectangular strips. The tiptop of the sketch (in the 5 direction) is divided into the number of divisions specified under the Options Sketching tab.

The Save Results dialog volition appear when the Save button is clicked. Cull the file proper name and location of the area adding results. Activate the Append check box on the Relieve Results dialog before clicking the Save button to suspend the current results to an existing file. Otherwise, the existing file will be overwritten with the current results.

Similar calculations tin be performed on fully meshed models by using the Analysis Analysis Weight and Eye-of-Gravity command. Encounter the page Full general Options: Weight and Center of Gravity Calculator.


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